Friday, December 26, 2008

Economics 101

I think we American (via the people we've elected, and that were chosen because of who we elected), are doing things all wrong.
And the problems started a long, long time ago. What ever happened to the 'American Dream'? It was something to WORK for, not a government entitlement. My parents put 20% down on their first house, with a 20 year loan... Why did things change to 5, 3, or even 0% down, and 30 years? So people could have what they wanted. They didn't work for it. They don't appreciate it, for the most part.
Oil, well, without even touching on electric cars, water run cars, or even Solar cars, we shouldn't have let the Feds restrict it. Now, I know the Governor of NJ doesn't want offshore drilling, because it would harm the tourism industry there. Fine. The Feds should let the states, individually, and actually, the cities and communities, make those decisions. No drilling there, but then they miss out on the jobs of people building them (initially) and running and maintaining them, besides the commerce of the oil it self. Look at 'Barren Wasteland' Alaska. The people living there actually get money from the oil that's drilled there. Was there an impact on the environment? A small one, mostly when they were building the pipeline. I've seen the pipe, a little outside of Valdez. I had to be shown it, because it's not that noticable, unless you know where to look for it.
Bailouts- Stop it. Common economic teaching, is not to throw good money after bad money. If these companies go down, yes, there will be some bad things for the people working there, but, someone with a better plan, will buy up part, or even all of the pieces, and make something profitable out of it. And if they fail, someone else will. What ever happen to survival of the fittest? OR is that just something that only applies to herds of wild animals?

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